Friday, May 18, 2007

our last day

We set out bright and early for the hills o' Tennessee. Our plan was that some would ride horseback and some would ride bikes, and we would meet up in the middle. However, when the bikers saw that the bikes were old fashioned one speed antiques, they opted for the horses. So off we went at a full gallop. We could barely hang on to our saddle horns as these swift stallions from ---- raced through the woods. It seemed like forever, but finally we were able to slow down and catch our breath. I did not know if we would ever make it back. Fortunately, no one got hurt, and we made it back to the van in time to decide that maybe we were more exhausted than we first realized. By now everyone was hungry, so we stopped at an unlikely "family" restaurant that served frog legs and fried green tomatoes. (I am not kidding). We tried both, although I think only Forrest and Emily tried the frog legs. It was a most amazing eating experience. I looked for the cook and congratulated her on her amazing talents. Imagine this. We ordered frog legs, fried green tomatoes, fried chicken, fish sandwiches, pancakes, french toast, turnip greens, omelettes, shrimp baskets, country fried steak and baked catfish, and I am probably forgetting something, but this woman (from Mississippi had all of this food out to our table in less than 20 minutes, and it was all hot and really good. The tea, soda, etc was served in Mason jars.
So, afterwards, there was a group that was complaining that they were tired and did not want to do anything else (hike, ride, sightsee, etc.) so they went home in one van, and the rest of the crew went to Gatlinburg where they saw a 4-D movie, and then rode go-karts and cubicle roller-coaster, and then we came home. It is 7 pm now, and we are going to eat again, then pack up the vans and leave early in the mornin. We are full. It has been wonderful, and just right, and we are full. we will be glad to get home. Thanks a lot. RC

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

National Park and Dollywood, etc., tourist thingy

Here ya go, honey.

good news! no one went to the hospital today!!

Dear you'uns,
It has been a great day in GradeEightsville. We had a nutritious breakfast of poke greens and sow belly before heading to the moonshine still to help cousin Elmer. What a good lesson it was. After our chores were completed we packed up snackand drove to Dollywood for an adventure. Wegot there, found a parking space and climbed aboard the trolley to get to the entrance. After registering, we split up into 4 well disciplined and orderly groups ans set off for the day. What a treat we were in for. We had a hard time picking between caramelized funnel cakes, fudgy bon bons and Kool-aid, but we persevered and got through that first stumblingblock. The chili-cheese fries were really good. Well, gotta go now. Just kidding.
p.s. The Philly-cheese steak sandwiches were primo.

Oh yeah, the trip.
The groups all went in different directions; some went to the gift shop; some went to the large wooden roller coaster called THUNDERHEAD, and some went to the bathroom.
The rides were very alluring. There were 4 roller coasters, ranging from large, long and wooden, to small dark and steely. Some were scary, and some were tame. There were also water riding experiences, things that rode you up and down, rides that turned you around and around, and rides that shook you up. I guess you had to be there. The class l;oved it one and all as far as I know. No one complained, but after 6 hours(three of them in the rain), people looked pretty beat, and were glad to get into a warm van, then a warm and cozy couch to watch a movie, following a warm and nutritious supper of more poke greens and sow belly (prepared by Kelly); it sure tasted good, but it also used up all the corn cobs and catalogs.
The rain was a real cob floater, but it did not dampen the fun.
Also at Dollywood, we got another funnel cake on the way out.
Don't worry, we are sharing Forrest's nutritious herbs. (just kidding)
Overall, Dollywood was true to it's southern heritage, and most of the displays and themes were of a local nature. Local people were dressed in stereotypical hillbilly fashion. We were able to videotape a talking buzzard who commented on our group. Ask Jim if you want to know more.
But, It was a very beautiful park, clean and interesting, and the children old and young, had a great time. Wish you were there with us as well.
All the class is downstairs now watching a movie, warm and cozy they are, and very happy and glowing with togetherness.
Tomorrow we are planning to have breakfast and then drive to a river rafting site for an adventure. We will keep you posted. If you have comments or questions, please post them at the end of this blog. Thanks a lot for loving and trusting us. We are all having a great time, one and all. I love you. RC ( with editorial input and help from JS)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

another day in paradise

Hello, everybody. We have had another big day. All is well. We hung out at the house after breakfast and most people seemed fi ne about that. We fixed lunch, and then drove into the Smokies about 25 miles. It is a very different world here with the layers of forested mountains rippling out as far as the eye can see. I wonder if this is similar in ways to Norway, although I envision Norway's mountains to be younger and less eroded. The Appalachian range is very old. We drove on to where there was a large fire lookout tower on top of one of the highest peaks. The walk there was about 1/2 mile, all up a very steep path. Along the way the Fraiser firs were all dead. Apparently, a small insect was imported from Europe, and there is no stopping it. They are working on it though. To make matters worse, there is another similar insect imported from Asia that has begun to attack the Balsam firs, the predominate remaining species at this altitude. It was a little spooky, seeing all of the dead trees. Mark remembers coming here as a child (Kelly too!), and the path was covered over with firs. Now everything is exposed and dying. Acid rain is also stressing the trees.
We also stopped along the way where the class could have one foot in Tennessee, and one foot in North Carolina. Some of them also stepped onto the Appalachian Trail.
On the way back to town, we planned to stop in Gatlinburg for an "event". The class decided that they wanted to LaserTag and ride Go-karts. So we stopped in Gatlinburg and looked for the Laser Tag. We found it, but it was closed. We instead watched taffy being made and then got an ice-cream and drove to Pigeon Forge where we had seen another Laser-Tag. We decided to do the Go-Kart thing first because it could get dark. We went to the Go-kart place, bought our tickets, and we were getting the class into their karts, when Brendan decided to take a short-cut over a railing, instead of around it, and he bumped his head on a stair thingy. Well, to make a long story short, he got 5 staples in his head, and he missed the go-karts and Laser-tag. Merla accompanied him, and all is well in 8th Gradeville. I have not had an opportunity to ask about details, but the ones I talked to really enjoyed the karts and tagging. We are home now and pizza is in the oven. Tomorrow we go to DOLLYWOOD, and I am hopeful that we will have no more interesting experiences. I will give all the students a chance to BLOG-IN after we get back. Thanks a lot for loving us and trusting us. The class is really well behaved, and the waitress at HardRock commented on what a great bunch they were. They really are special. If you are concerned that things are out of hand, with all the accidents, well, I don't think they are. It is just a couple of unfortunately timed events that could have happened anywhere. Remember, Kelly is here. Love ya, sugah. Bye now, Dahlin.

after breakfast

Kelly and Mark got up early and made pancakes and bacon. It was great. There have only been a few questions about what we are doing today. Most people seem content to be hanging out and doing fun things like air hockey and pool. Tatiana practiced her violin on the deck overlooking the mountains. She is using a barbie as a music stand.
I'm not sure, but I think we are going to a lookout tower later in the day, and then Gatlinburg tonight? Perhaps Kelly should make a post because in all truth, I may not be in synch with the group heartbeat, well, maybe in a different way. Kelly told me that actually, the kids were very upset that there was no pool at the last stop. I did not hear the complaining, but Kelly did.

Monday, May 14, 2007

This trip is great!!!

It is great fun being with 13 excited 8th graders!!!

let's share photos

I hope you get these.

we got here

OKAY!!!!! ThaNKS, DAVID. I can't really say that I know what I am doing, but I will type away, and see what happens.
First of all, I'm sorry about the e-mail two days ago. Apparently, not everyone got it because it was too long. Yesterday, I cut the essence out because I wanted everyone to get it.
Last night the kids and everyone but me went to the music concert. they had pizza and heard some bluegrass, and according to Kelly, I really missed a good time. Sidney says;
". There were two guys there, one with a guitar and one with a banjo. At 9pm more people showed up. Ity was pretty cool, because random people that knew each other showed up, and jammed. It was cool. No practice, just playing. Bass, banjo, steel guitar, violin, etc. I liked the , well, I liked the way they were all together. there were LOT OF DIFFERENT AGES THERE people our age, and old people up to 60 or even older. It was good. Really good for having not practiced. " there you have it.
So, we got up this morning (monday) sort of randomly, and ate breakfast at the motel. The parents were disappointed that we were misled into thinking there was a swimming pool here, but to tell you the truth, I don't think the kids noticed that much. Did I tell you we ate at the Steak and Shake last night?, after having eaten lunch at Hard Rock Cafe. ???
Anyway, we got up and ate, and then piled in the vans for an outing to Nashville. We were going to see the Parthenon, I think a full size reproduction in Athens? Greece, anyway. I didn'y actually see it. Will explain later.
It was awesome
Big and beautiful
Wish I had lived in those times
Makes me want to go to Greece
So, we ended up in this "other" park where we saw some Tennessee related stuff, and beautiful gardens, blooming magnolia trees (yumm), and these long long steps that went up to the capitol. We climbed those stairs, wondering where the Parthenon was, and the kids were running down the lawn, rolling down, etc, when Erica cut her leg on a steel bar. We (Lisa, Emily, myself) took her to the Baptist Hospital that is owned by the Catholics, and professed to be Lutheran by the TROLLEY MAN (ask Lisa) where we entered the Emergency room and waited, waited, waited where finally she was seen by a cute and clever guy who gave her two options.
1)-be able to go into the water this week, and not get stitches, or
2)-get stitches and not be able to go in the water.
The stitches, of course, would help prevent scarring. So she got stitches- 18 of them all together, and we finally left for Gatlinburg after a tetanus shot. Erica was brave and strong. (While we were at the hospital, the others saw the Parthenon)
We got to Gatlinburg not one minute too soon, and it was just before sunset. It is stunning here. The mountains are gorgeous, and so much like home. A three-story all wood paneled house is our home for the next few days. 6 bedrooms, 7 hot-tubs, three decks, two barbies, pool table, foos ball, air hockey, at least 6 television screens, and there is a pool somewhere, but I have not found it yet. Wireless even, (Ithink from the house next door).
Tomorrow we go do something, but I am not sure what. I will let you know. Kelly is the cruise director, and I have total confidence in her. Kelly, Jim and Lisa went grocery shopping for dinner. The kids are in the hot tub. I will send you a picture. Thanks a lot for loving us and trusting us. We will write home every single day. PROMISE!!!!! Please post a comment. RC

From Robert - 5/12 Mattoon IL

Hello darlins, hows youall doin?

We are at the Comfort Suite in Mattoon, Illinois

217 235 6745 rooms 201,203,205,207

We leave PRWS more or less at 10:30.
10:40- we stop the maxi van because one of the seat belts does not work. Willy comes to the rescue and trades places with Tatiana. Adrienne agrees that Willy can be without a seatbelt.
12:30- lunch at the GROTTO. We sing happy birthday to Erica and have cupcakes. 2:00-we stop for gas at CASEYS. They have one bathroom the size of a shoebox. The sign on the door says "little brown door"????. There are 18 people to use the bathroom. The clerk at CASEYS in this quaint, flat, down to earth, every home painted reasonable white